Thursday, December 11, 2008




Architect: Sharat Das and Design Constorium

Chief project engineer: V.P.Chetal

Landscape architect: Rajiv Khanna

Structural consultant: Hadkar Prabhu and associates, Mumbai

Acoustical consultants: Dr. M. Pancholy

Year of completion: 1982

Location: I.T.O. Flyover.

Capacity: 25,000 ( which has been proposed to be reduced to 18,000 for the 2010 Commonwealth Games)

Area: 102 acres

Cost: Rs.25 crores plus Rs.1.5 crore for partition curtain

Introduction :

In a remarkable short span of two years , yet another edifice was sprouted on the banks of river Yamuna . The Indoor stadium , the core of Indraprastha indoor stadium sports complex , sits almost in the centre of the 102 acres of land .

The stadium is the first of its kind in Asia and Europe and in size , ranks the third largest in the world . In the Ninth Asian Games , this stadium was the venue for Gymnastics , Badminton and Volley ball acclaimed by participants and the officials alike both national and international , as being one of the finest and overwhelming sights , this stadium has been certified by all , as not only being an architectural feature , but also something which is truly of international standards

Site Location :

Place – New Delhi

Latitude – 28 0 36’ N

Longitude – 77 0 83’ E

Climatic Zone - Composite

Vegetation :

Barren low lying land prior to construction . Later on around 13,500 trees were planted in the complex . The choice of evergreen trees were planted with needle like foliage . Flowering ground trees have been planted to liven up the landscape environment .

Existing Water Surface :

An artificial lake has been provided on the southern side of the site , which gets filled up with water from the Yamuna river running on the eastern side of the site .

Approach Road , Nature of Traffic :

The stadium is approachable from all the four sides , though the western plaza is mostly used because of the presence of the bus terminal near this side . The site is abutted on the west by the Indraprastha flyover which has a branch road 80’-0” wide serving the stadium .

The northern and eastern roads hardly carry any traffic . The railway lines on one side of the site which along with well worked out road pattern nearby make access and departure for the vehicular and pedestrian traffic easy .

The Designers :

  • The strodome at Houston and the superdome at New Orleans are two giants in indoor stadium in the world .
  • Professor Z . S. Makowski , world renowned expert in design and structural analysis of the space research centre , survey UK.
  • The design of the dome was conceived by M/S Sharat Das Architect and Design Consortium who had the partners M/S Itadkar Associates , Bombay , M/S Manak N . Dastar , Delhi , M/S Shashi Prabhu and Associates , Bombay , M/S Pathare Architects , Bombay . Roof designed by Triveni Structural .

Concept :

The most important factor, which influenced the design concept of this stadium,was time. The entire work was required to be completed within 72 months for holding the IX Asian Games, where the architects and engineers worked as a team.

The analyzed problems evolved the basic requirements of architectural and industrial design concept. The stadium had to seat 25,000 spectators and provide a parking place for various categories. All these factors together dictated the design concept.

The Complex :

The 110 acres complex has almost 40 acres in the form of landscaped areas . The stadium is circular in plan , has both its axis emphasized by strong statements in the form of pedestrian walkways . These walkways , originating from the periphery , culminate at the stadium in the form of plazas , earmarking the entry points as well as large gathering space for spectators . All public entries are connecting directly to the plaza which serve as a massing movement for 6000 spectators through each plaza .

In between two public plazas , there is a vehicle entry which reaches upto the stadium following the convention of public and VIP entries . The public vehicles have their entries on the west (Gate C) , North (Gate D and F) and East (Gate G) roads . The Gate 1 on the east side is meant for the players where as the Gate C serves for both private and service vehicles . The service block comes upto the maintainance block which is placed in north side of the stadium plan .

The circular administrative block abuts the stadium to the South West while a similar looking coaching block is on the South East . Beyond the coaching block is the three winged players block .

To the north of the stadium lies the Yamuna Velodrome , though an essential part of the complex , yet an entity in itself . To the North East , almost on the periphery , is the plant room .

Plazas For Spectators :

In order to maintain and aid proper functioning of the stadium , four public plazas have been created which help easy movement of large number of spectators in and out of the main stadium , It can also cater to the movement of spectators between the events .

Indoor Stadium :

Land Area = 110 acres

Land occupied by stadium = 14416 sq. mts .

Total area of arena = 60 m X 78 m = 4680 sq. mts .

Height of stadium = 42 mts .

Power Requirements = 5500 Kw

Number of flood lights = Main lights : 216 ( 2 kw each )

Emergency lights : 72 ( 1.5 kw each )

Seating Capacity = 25000

Number of gates = 42 : Outer 10 nos . and inner 32 nos .

Length of internal roads = 24.5 kms

Construction Agency = Delhi Development Authority ( DDA)

Name of consultant = Sharat Das and Designs Consortium .

Number of toilets = 92

Quantity of Structural steel consumed = 1900 M.T.

Total area of roof = 18000 sq. mts.

Length of walkways in the roof = 1.73 kms.

Length of last row = 500 mts .

Parking areas = 20 acres ( 80,000 sq.mts.)

The main stadium , 150 mts in diameter , 42 mts height at the apex has a rather interesting structural steel roof , and the entire structure is supported on eight R.C.C. pylons . The roofing is of corrugated aluminium sheets , which acting as reflecting surface , helps in reducing the head load for centrally air conditioned space inside .

The playing arena measuring 60 mts X 78 mts , matches with the best in the world . Built almost 1200 mm above built up ground level , the entire floor rests on a series of leveling devices which can make meticulous adjustments if necessary , to ensure a perfect level surface .

The seating capacity for the stadium is 25000 spectators . However , the provision of a foldable sound absorbing partition , a unique feature , enables this stadium to be divided into two parts , in a short span of seven minutes , each part quite independent of the other .

During the games , the stadium was venue for gymnastics , volley ball , badminton . However , other disciplines , like basket ball , table tennis , boxing , wrestling , hand ball , weight lifting , can be held with ease . Provisions have been made to enable holding of cultural and musical shows and even large scale exhibitions . The National Philatelic exhibition was a roaring success .

The entire stadium is divided into Three main levels : Ground level ( 0.0 lvl) ; Intermediate Podium level ( + 3.9 m lvl ) ; and Foyer level ( + 8.1 m lvl ) .

Ground Level :

a) the ground level is reserved for the players , organizers , the media people , the maintainance staff , handicapped people and the VIP’s . The players have their lounges , change rooms , massage rooms , medical aid and physiotheraphy room and dope testing room at one end , which in turn are directly linked to the players entry . On the other side are the offices of the media people , with their individual storage areas , and these rooms are built on either side of the service entry . The VIP’s have independent entry through VIP foyers , one each on North and South side . There are separate lounges and snack bar facilities for VIP’s .

b) The podium and foyer levels are strictly meant for spectators .

c) Basic amenities like bars , toilets , drinking fountains , enquiry booths , lost and found department , first aid posts and public telephones have been provided at both levels , and special care has been taken to lead the spectators to the areas .

Section Through the Tiers:

The spectators access the arena from three levels:

- The podium level at 3.9 m.

- The foyer level at 9.10 m.

- The upper level at 14.1 m., by means of stairway provided within structural pylons.

Seating Layout :

Total capacity 25000 , there is also seating provision for VIP’s at arena level . These seats are retractable . The space for press is provided in the seating area but with a writing table and telephone etc . The circular form of arena hall maintains a uniformity in the vision line . Each seat in the outline seating area and score boards are free from any obstructions visually and is made comfortable with perfect lighting , air conditioning and sound system .

The access of spectators into banks of seating are from three level i.e. first is at podium level +3.9 m , second at foyer level +9.10 m and third at 14.1 m i.e. from pylon stairways . There are four emergency exits at the arena level for players as well as for spectators of lower tier , for upper tier spectators an emergency exit stairways and from their to the foyer level and then to the podium level .

Central Area :

The central area has the basic shape of a circle at 78 m diameter , out of which two segment having chord lengths of 60 m have been symmetrically carved out to accommodate VIP seating area . The top layer of the flooring is teak wood due to which sports like gymnastics , badminton , table tennis , boxing and other non sporting events can be held with ease . To check the traveling of sound waves from one part to another , the entire wooden floor is divided into two parts by a 3 mm air gap

The central area can be divided into two equal halves with the help of a vertically flexible partition , 150 m long and 41 m high . It enables the stadium to be bisected visually and acoustically . The partition consists of four layers of heavy duty polyester reinforced fabric with air gaps in between .

The lower 22 m foldable partition can be raised or lowered at the press of button in seven minutes . It weighs about 61 tonnes and costs 150 lacs .

Arena Flooring :

The arena floor has a basic shape of circle of 75 m diameter out of which two segments having chord lengths of 60 m have been symmetrically curved out to accommodate VIP seating area . The choice of wood for the floor depends on resistance to wear , resilience , thermal insulation , appearan ce and ease of maintainance

Towers :

The eight towers which forms the basic structural support to the roof above has been designed to accommodate all arena lighting services , A.H.U’s , a grand staircase for spectators and other ancillaries . These end towers had to be constructed first for supporting the roof structure . They serve as rigid masts for erection of steel trusses around them . The towers rise to approximately 11 mts above roof level and are finished with a chamfered tip .

Design of the Roof :

The main supports are provided at Eight towers called pylons located peripherally on each apex joint of an octagon guy cables are used to suspend the roof from the pylons . The contemplated roofing system is a central raised portion over the central compression ring measuring 40 mm in diameter which is connected to the Pylons through eight girders forming the valley of the roof .

The octagonal lotus like roof structure , covering an area larger than the cricket grounds , at the chords , has its lowest points at about 23 mts and the apex of the roof at 41.5 mts from the ground level .

The whole structure can be broadly divided into three parts , namely : Central compression ring – which rises in the segmental areas between the main reinforced concrete towers , Peripheral portion between circumferential girders , the Pylons and the tip of the ridge

Construction System :

The precast members , 80 cms in width and 50 cms high , on the beam , fixes the framework of the seats on it . The metal strip on the edges of the precast members fixes the steel frame of the chair to itself . The steel frame is welded on the steel pegs which are laid on a distance of 2 mts . On this steel frame , two steel pipes of 20 mm diameter are welded . On top of this , the blow past chairs are screwed .

The roof structure being of steel had the central compression ring of 40 m diameter . This supported lattice type steel girders .

The effective span of the roof was reduced by the introduction of V-shaped walls within the stadium .

These walls do not cause any discomfort , but instead have helped reduce the span from 155 mts to 135 mts . The walls have been so designed so that the secondary girders could be spanned between alternate supports giving further benefit of the effective reduced span . The superstructure of the building is of concrete , while the roof structure and ties of steel .

Foldable Sound Resisting Partition :

A 155 mts long and 41 mts high sound insulating partition has been provided in the stadium which would enable it to be divided into two halves , both visually and acoustically separate . Special provisions for acoustical seating have been made all along the perimeter of the partition . The acoustical seats are inserted specially along the seating tiers , where the partition had to follow the counters of the seats .

The surface area partition is 5000 m

Weight of the lower portion of the moving curtain = 61 tonnes

Weight of the fixed upper portion = 25 tonnes

Weight of the steel work hung from the roof to support this partition = 36 tonnes

Inter - Connection of Spaces :

A person entering the stadium is first exposed to the plazas which can accommodate approximately 6000 people. From the plaza , one can enter the corridor which then leads him to the interior of the stadium .

The movement from the interior to the exterior is emphasized by projected triangulated pylons , which serve the additional function of supporting the roof structure .

Spatial Order and Organization :

Had it not been the vertical towers which form suitable emphasizing points for the structure , the building would have looked monotonous .

The organization at the roof level helps to reduce the weight of the structure by the employment of high tensile steel ties which are slender contrasting with the solidity of the form of the stadium .

The massiveness of the structure can be felt inside the stadium due to the uncovered structure exposed beneath the roof .

Roof Insulation :

The roofing purlins were installed after the decentering operation. Special anti-corrosive paint treatment was provided for the junction area of dissimilar metals as the roofing sheet is made of Aluminium. Stretched piano wires were used to keep the top of the purlin in required place. Since the span of the roof exceeds 140m. 12 temporary supports right under the outer shell location and 4 under compression ring were used at the time of the erection.

Air Conditioning :

The A.C. system at I.G. Stadium is centrally chilled water system with suitable AHU situated at different locations:

The primary chilled water delivery (40c) into underground insulated mild steel pipes running as a ring main around the stadium.

Secondary chilled water circuit placed in the building on the surface above false ceiling or trenches. From here the pipes go to the different AHU’s.

It is through AHU’s that the chilled water is pumped. The AHU is provided at two levels. A large AHU is situated at 23.3 m level, each having two centrifugal fans.

Conditioned air is fanned through insulated GI sheets ducts above the false ceiling, except in the arena and seats where it is taken through the underground system of concrete return air ducts leading to the towers.

Fire Fighting :

The fire fighting system for stadium consists of

Fire detection

Fire fighting

There are various detectors and alarms in the stadium. In each tower one wet riser has been provided which maintains a pressure head of 80m of water. This wet riser is provided with fire hydrant outlets at the level -3.9m, +0.8m and +16m adjacent to the tower of the arena.

4 hydrants and a portable fire extinguishers provided at selected location in complex having already covered ancillary buildings.

Lighting System for Indoor Stadium :

The lighting system which has been provided for the stadium has several alternate switching systems . The switching arrangements provided is capable of providing the illumination in three stages :

Stage No. 1 : 400 lux (vertical) and 600 lux (horizontal) for practice

Stage No. 2 : 800 lux (vertical) and 1000 lux (horizontal) for black and white TV coverage

Stage No. 3 : 1400 lux (vertical) and 1800 lux (horizontal) for TV coverage

Acoustics and Audio System :

The stadium has been provided with appropriate acoustical treatment and equipped with integrated audio communication systems matching not only functional needs but also magnificence and dignity of stadium design.

Main stadium divisible into two halves by a collapsible sound resisting partition. All available ceiling and peripheral vertical walls have been acoustically treated.

For meetings, speeches or musical functions, additional equipment and high fidelity portable loudspeakers are provided. Other facilities include remote area calling intercom, paging etc.

Plant Room :

The plant room is a building of 1650 area and serves as the hub of the most of the activities. The plant room was built in just three months. It performs the role of the master remote control center, as all the services are activised from here.

It houses :

air conditioning plant

hydro pneumatic water supply system

emergency generated sets,

fire fighting pumps and

Huge under ground water tank.

To properly serve the building the following are required:

cooling tower : 1 set

Condenser water pumps: 6 nos.

Chilled water pumps: 6 nos.

built-up AHU : 8 sets

AHU’s :-

AHU 9 (25,000 CMH) : 23 Nos.

AHU 7 (15,000 CMH) : 25 Nos.

AHU 6 (13,000 CMH) : 7 Nos.

AHU 5 (13,000 CMH) : 5 Nos.

AHU 3 (5,250 CMH) : 3 Nos.

GI duct: 2250 sq. mt.

Grill diffusers: 2200 Nos.

Electrical cables: 3300 Nos.

Booster pumps Stadium: 16 Nos.

Administrative building: 12 Nos.

5 centrifugal chilling plants each of units 600 T capacity thereby contributing 3000T capacity.

Other Services :

PA system for spectators and the competitors.

8 intercom stations integrated with those of the main indoor stadium with wireless paging.Start synchronization, main recall timing system, photo finish apparatus, video equipment for accurate and speed monitoring.Even lighting and standby power source.

Parking :

  • Separate entry for the VIP.
  • cycle parking at the other end of the site.
  • two-wheelers parking.
  • 400,300,400,300 car- parking in break to segregate pedestrian and vehicular movement.
  • buses and hired vehicle parking.
  • All the parking facilities cover about 8 hectares of the site.

Fenestrations :

Beyond the last tier of seats , the circular openings are provided with Venetian blinds .This is the only provision of lighting through openings . Each of these openings have a diameter of approximately 2’-0” .

Inferences :

  • The circular seating facilitates no obstruction in view . For this the roof is adopted which is stable and self supporting on the periphery of the seating tiers .
  • All services have been combined and placed in the pylons , which imparts simplicity to the structure .
  • Four entry points from four plazas for the spectators at the podium level and the four entries at foyer level with separate snacks counter , toilet , drinking water facilities are sufficient for the peak hours .
  • The complex has a harmonized landscape .
  • Lighting of metal halide lamps create glare, an inconvenience to the player and the spectators.
  • The concept of having indoor stadium as a focus of design is quite viable on behalf of its function and role on the sports complex, the circulation pattern based on the convention of separate pedestrian movement and vehicular paths terminating into parking is good enough in conceptual form, but when physically manifested on the site ,care must be taken of the intersections and the use of round abouts. Also a considerable thought must be given to the approach from the parking areas to the plazas.
  • A predominantly green landscape with some variation in colour and texture is a product of scale patches of grass should be used considering the cardinal rule of the pedestrian circulation. Pedestrians should be provided with the short possible route.
  • Paving should be provided on all the possible circulation route to avoid tracks on grass.
